
We are a growth equity firm built on the premise that investors should do more than simply invest capital. We founded brightcloudcapital to offer experienced operational assistance for growth companies and for founders or operators looking to transition their business to new owners.

We are experienced operators and investors that focus on creating real value for the businesses we invest in. 

How we can help

Grow Revenue and Expand Business 

We bring best practices based on experience to help you sell more, reduce customer acquisition costs, decrease customer loss, increase partnerships and upsell performance. We also help management determine which direction to expand technologies, products and services with guidance on partnerships and complimentary acquisitions in your space.

Generate Liquidity 

Capital is available to fund day to day requirements; however, we realize that most companies we work with have operating capital our capital can be leveraged for growth opportunities.  We can provide partial liquidity for you and other founders, or purchase shares from early investors and become partners in your business. 

Maximize Value

We will either purchase your business if timing is right or can help you put in place the pieces you need to sell your business at a premium in the market.  We have a history of transacting with strategic and financial buyers and understand what they seek.

Let’s work together to create the best outcome for you and your company.

Focus and Investment Criteria

We focus on key verticals and sectors which we have experience as operators or investors or those experiencing market opportunities. We take the time to understand growth trends and opportunities beyond the horizon, and seek to find companies that have a differentiated position that could use our help.

We typically invest in the following

  • Cloud and Enterprise IT 
  • Health and Wellness 
  • Medical

Investment Criteria

  • Driven Leadership with solid management
  • $2M or greater in Revenue 
  • Competitive advantage or market differentiation
  • Profitable or visibility to Profit


Donovan Jones
Managing Partner
Donovan has 20 years experience in leadership, management and operations. He was previously president and CEO of a NASDAQ listed international software company. Prior to that he was with a boutique investment bank and with one of the largest communications companies in Canada with roles in product management, corporate development and mergers and acquisitions. He has a MBA from the University of Calgary.


brightcloudcapital is an investment and capital company focused on operations, growth equity investments and majority buyouts in technology, health and wellness, real estate and distribution in Western Canada. The partners and advisers have operations, management and transaction experience in the industries in which they invest and operate.  brightcloudcapital was founded in 2018 to help small companies scale or transition their business to new owners.

We are headquartered in Surrey, BC, Canada